As I was down on eye makeup remover, a trip to Boots was in due, which meant that I came home with a small bag of goodies! I didn't go crazy however, and only bought 3 things, but I thought I should show you them all the same.
left to right: Real Techniques Shading Brush, L'oreal Eyeshadow, Boots Eye-makeup Remover |
My first purchase was what brought me to Boots in the first place! As eye makeup is the main feature in my everyday makeup look, I needed to buy something to remove it! As mentioned in an earlier post, I like Boots own gel one. It is very inexpensive, and is very good considering the price (£1.50).
Being the eyeshadow lover that I am, I figured it would be time to get a proper eyeshadow brush! Sam Chapman (from Pixiwoo) has a line of brushes, so I thought I'd pick up one of her highly praised Real Techniques brushes. I bought the shading brush, as all of the other eye ones are in a set, and for £8, I think it was worth it! I'm definitely interested in having a look at the other brushes in the range...
And in the spur of the moment, I picked up another whim product. L'Oreal eyeshadows (or any other product really!) have never caught my eye, but when I saw this little baby-
165 Golden Rose- I couldn't resist picking it up.
Do I really need any more eyeshadows?! At £6, I think it is fairly affordable.
This month's spendings have definitely stocked me up on eye products!
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